Monday, February 19, 2007

Blog Post #3

On the 2.0 Job Description (Part 2): LIS Students in a 2.0 World by: Michael Stephens

Now I know what the expression, “Time flies when you are having fun” means after completing two weekends in LIS 753. There are so many exciting bits of information to learn and at times it can be a bit overwhelming, although it is a necessary addition to the LIS curriculum. Michael Stephens writes in the article above about, “turning the students in the class on to online social tools and the bigger picture of what’s happening online was a highlight for me.” As an active participant in the class I agree with the hands on, play with it approach to the ‘2.0 world’.

Michael has demystified the vocabulary that I once thought was totally foreign. In a collaborative effort my group project will be presenting the value of using Flickr in the library. I made a trading card for myself to use in the library which I never thought I would be doing before taking this class. Upon completion I will have a foundation for using the online tools in the school library I currently work in to inspire the students of the future.

As the article draws to a close, Michael starts to dream about LIS in the year 2015! Now I know I made the right choice in 2007 and I will have to keep up with all the newest trends in LIS as a lifelong learner.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Blog Post #2

Videogames Grow Up: Using Second Life's Online Universe as an eLearning Tool
by Aaron Ragan-Fore

So you thought there was only one life to live well fear not there is now a Second Life! This is a MUVE (multi-user virtual environment) which is like a videogame online although all the characters are real people from anywhere in the world. To get a Second Life account visit, get an on-screen name also known as your own avatar and start communicating with others in this virtual world. I have an account along with more than 2 million other registered users.

The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) has a Second Life headquarters on EduIsland as well as 18 other educational organizations.
Lisa Perez from the Chicago Public Schools Department of Libraries , created a media-themed Cybrary City with a slideshow, computers, and readable books. The Second Life surroundings are filled with books and allow users to download poetry. On a coffee table there are instructions about the after school book club she promotes. Perez says, “It is not gaming it’s communication, creating, teaching, and learning.”

Perez is not the only one excited about this new virtual world of communicating worldwide it has sparked the imagination of major corporations and the media alike. It sounds like this may just be the beginning of a new and creative way to conduct meetings and connect people in a meaningful way with a touch of fun. I will have to sharpen my virtual skills and get my avatar ready for the next meeting of all the local librarians. See you on Second Life…